Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Why a Blog?

I feel like an unlikely blogger. I don't read many blogs; in fact until the past few months I didn't really know what a blog was. And while I participate on many forums and message boards, I am almost always a lurker. I have been a member of the Disboards, an incredibly active Disney message board, for 6 years and have only 260 posts!

But I am embarking on so many new adventures in my life right now, that I find I want to write about them, share about them - well, blog about them I guess!

I'm not sure what it is. I turned 43 last summer, but 43 is not generally considered a particularly significant birthday. My youngest child entered first grade in the fall, which is a big milestone, but it did not change my lifestyle too much since she had been in school full time for 3 years already. Is it hitting 21 years of marriage? Some other more subtle milestone I haven't thought of? Well, whatever it is, in the last year I have been gradually redesigning many aspects of my life.

Last summer I decided that I was going to complete being a Course Supervisor for Landmark Education at the end of June 2008 (if you are interested in what Landmark Education does, check out their website here). I have been a Course Supervisor for almost 17 years, and have been the chairperson of the program since 2002, so this was a really big deal. Really after doing this for 17 years, I am not entirely sure how I will feel in July when I am done!

Then in early fall, I decided to start my own travel business. After doing quite a bit of research, and lots of preliminary work, I created Blue Sky Destinations, and became a travel agent. I am associated with one of the largest and best-regarded "host" agencies for home-based agents, Nexion Inc. This is a wonderful new venture for me, and I am loving every aspect of it! I love planning travel for people, and I love the challenges of starting my own business. I have been doing a lot of training (including a Nexion "Boot Camp" in February), and feel ready to take the lid off my marketing and really start to grow my business. This is one of the "adventures" I plan to chronicle in this blog!

In January I embarked on another new undertaking. After a lifetime of being more or less a couch potato, I decided I was going to become an athlete and I registered for the Walt Disney World Half Marathon in January 2009. I also talked my husband into it as well! This is perhaps the most unlikely venture I could have begun. I have hated running most of my life (and hate really is not too strong of a word) - however, I had flirted with running the previous year with a couple of half-hearted attempts at the "Couch to 5K" running plan. While I was never really able to stick to the plan reliably, I did discover that running was not so bad - in fact, I kind of enjoyed it! However, committing to doing a half marathon, even one a year away, was a much bigger step!

Since then, I have worked my way up to running about 12 miles a week, completed my first 5K race (I'm doing a 10K in 2 weeks), and committed to a second half marathon - this one in Philadelphia in September! More importantly, I have changed my relationship to myself, my body and what I am capable of. This adventure is the other big reason for this blog! I figure if I write everything down here maybe I won't have to bore my friends and family with it all the time!

I am making or contemplating making other major changes in my life as well. After teaching Cultural Anthropology for 14 years at a local small college, I gave them my notice this Spring and I will not be back doing that again next year. We have been talking about moving for a while (and that may happen), but in the meantime we are planning some major work on our house in the next 6 months. I am considering shifting some aspects of my job (I work as the Admissions Director at The Waldorf School of Philadelphia in addition to my travel business). I think the only areas not up for grabs are my husband - not making a change there! - and my kids.

So, in this blog I plan to focus on the two big new adventures I have taken on: my half-marathon training, and building my travel business. The scope of this blog may change if I make other major shifts in my life, but what I want to share with you now is an exploration of these questions:
  • Can I become an athlete for the first time in my 40s?
    • How should I train to avoid injury?
    • How am I preparing for a distance event for the first time?
    • What are the emotional/mental spaces I am going through in the process?
    • How is this process impacting my family and my life?
  • How am I building my travel business?
    • Training, marketing and learning the business from the ground up.
    • Mistakes, frustrations and challenges.
    • When do I jump into this full-time!
This will likely all be mixed in with general news and stories about my family, my house, my pets and my life!

Thanks for reading!


Runner Leana said...

Kira, welcome to the blog world! I look forward to following your journey to Disney in 2009!

dkp said...

Wow, you've got a great first blog entry here. I love how you're taking the time to investigate the ways different aspects of your life work together and express your (changing?) self and your values.

There are quite a few big shifts going on--your travel business, turning down your regular teaching gig (where I'm sure your students loved you and the subject), the completion of your work as a Course Supervisor, and running and training for races.

It sounds like your blog is going to be a great place to chronicle all this. Yay for us readers!