Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I've been a bad, bad blogger

I can't believe that I have let it go so long between posts!

Let's see, since my last blog post
- my oldest daughter came home from Spain
- I booked 2 new (expensive) vacations for 2 new clients
- I took all 4 kids to Disneyworld by myself
- I completed my training to run my first half marathon
- school started, and my schedule heated up at work
- my youngest daughter had her 8th birthday
- I ran the Philadelphia Distance Run
- oh, and lots of other things too!

Some of these really deserve a bit of attention, even though they are now in the past. In particular, I want to post some of our pictures from our great Disney trip, and give a full report of the Philly Distance Run. Also, I think Ally would like a bit of attention paid to her birthday!

In the meantime just know that I haven't died, fallen off the face of the earth, or given up on this blog. I'll be back soon with more!

1 comment:

Laurel said...


Thanks for stopping by. We are having a great time getting to know the city. We are excited about being here.

The race was so much fun! Was it your first HM? Can't wait to read about how you did.