Let's see, shall I try to summarize the past 5 months?
There's the trip to Disney in August I never blogged about:
We had a financial windfall, which was great but strange since it came the same week as the failure of AIG and Lehman Brothers.
I ran the Philadelphia Distance Run (which I did blog about, see below).
Halloween and another beautiful fall in Philadelphia:
The Phillies won the World Series!
A certain election happened here in the US!
We went to Maine for Thanksgiving.
Annika & Ally danced in the Nutcracker.
We went to New York the week before Christmas, and then we had Christmas.
In early January Tom and I ran the Disney Half Marathon, and had a blast! I plan to post a full trip report in the near future, but here are a few teaser photos.

We finished up January with a one-night "Cruise to Nowhere"out of New York with my wonderful sister and her husband, and 2 of our best friends. Sorry, no pictures of that - I just forgot to take any.
In the middle of all that I found out I was pregnant and had a miscarriage, which was a big deal (to say the least!). Also during the past few months: we had both of our cars hit by our neighbor - one totalled, the other fixable; Hannah started at a new high school; I went to several travel industry conferences and learned a lot; joined BNI which has been amazing; took a 10% pay cut and (hopefully very temporarily) lost our family's health insurance; booked a summer trip to Europe for all of us; Will applied to high schools; we bought a new car, drove the kids to a million activities, and generally were in a whirlwind of activity.
There, now you're all caught up!
So I see you haven't been too busy then...
LOL Good to see you blogging again :)
LOL, about time this was updated.
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